Brexit and Depression



There had to be an article on Brexit as the nation is going through it together. In my work over the last few years I have met a few young people who have been very upset by Brexit but the majority are more interested in their social media accounts, gaming and K-pop. The experience of depression sits in the context of the what is happening at home, in the school, in the (online) community and in society as a whole.

The media focusses our minds on the personalities and errors of leaders in the USA and UK, who as narcissists will soak up all attention. However the real attention needs to be on the discusssion of policies and the actual economic forecast for the UK. A terrible Brexit will result in more families falling into poverty and more child poverty. These adverse socioeconomic forces put strain on the family, especially parents. When this happens parental mental illness and alcohol and substance misuse become more likely. Consequently child abuse or child maltreatment becomes more likely.

In the world we have the reality of plutocracy: the rise and rise of the megarich and the decline and fall of everyone else.

As society moves towards the widening gap between rich and poor, the people will take a stand and take action to take matters into their own hands as was the case during the French Revolution and Russian Revolution.


Fear not...we could have a marvellous Brexit in a world of great Western debt, increasing Chinese influence and the militarisation of foreign policy geared towards the interests of strong men, and not diplomats and peacemakers. I hope we have a good Brexit and then go on to discuss and develop policies and engage young people more in society. I have observed many young people remaining in their context, whilst suffering from depression and not really entering into deep thinking about the society, in a way that would awaken the conscience.

I want young people to realise that peace resides in the human heart and their task is to develop the impenetrable mind which will overcome any geopolitical situation that is present now and in the days to come.





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